Mazda BT-50 PRO Standard Cab
THB 0.00
per item
Remark :
Metallic color adds 7,000 Baht
, Pearl white price is 14,000 Baht (model only)
generation 2 wheel drive
2.2 S2.2 V2.2 HI-RACER
Engine4-cylinder DOHC 16-valve
Turbo intercoolerTurbo intercoolerVN turbo intercooler
Cylinder capacity (cc)2198
Compression ratio15.5: 115.5: 115.5: 1
Cylinder width x stroke (mm)86.0 X 94.686.0 X 94.686.0 X 94.6
Maximum power (EEC)
horsepower (kW) / rpm 125 (92) / 3700125 (92) / 3700150 (110) / 3700
Maximum torque (EEC)
Newton-meters / rpm320 / 1600-1700320 / 1600-1700375 / 1500-2500
Exhaust standardEuro level 4
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Metallic color adds 7,000 Baht
, Pearl white price is 14,000 Baht (model only)
generation 2 wheel drive
2.2 S2.2 V2.2 HI-RACER
Engine4-cylinder DOHC 16-valve
Turbo intercoolerTurbo intercoolerVN turbo intercooler
Cylinder capacity (cc)2198
Compression ratio15.5: 115.5: 115.5: 1
Cylinder width x stroke (mm)86.0 X 94.686.0 X 94.686.0 X 94.6
Maximum power (EEC)
horsepower (kW) / rpm 125 (92) / 3700125 (92) / 3700150 (110) / 3700
Maximum torque (EEC)
Newton-meters / rpm320 / 1600-1700320 / 1600-1700375 / 1500-2500
Exhaust standardEuro level 4